4Listening to CDsThe letters such as B in the various illustrations refer to the descriptions in the “Location of Controls” section. (See page 2.)Other Play MethodsSkip playThe disc plays from the specified track through to theend, then play stops automatically.Preparation: Put unit in stop mode.1 Select the desired track.2Changing the sound qualityPress during play or stop mode.Each time the button is pressed;S-XBS:Select this setting to boost the low frequency range re-sponse.Note!The setting returns to S-XBS when you disconnect thepower source.BIAnti-Skip SystemThis system deals with skipping in a varietyof ways:≥An anti-skip mechanism prevents skipping causedwhen play speed changes due to swinging of the unit.≥A recovery system immediately returns the laser pick-up to its original position if it is knocked off the track bya strong shock.≥An anti-skip memory (max. 48 seconds) fills in inter-ruptions caused by bumps and vibrations.The anti-skip system works automatically while theunit is on and cannot be canceled.CS-XBSAUTO RANDOMMEMORYFMAMVOLMONOCITYTUNEDSORRY1 MENote!≥While the system is on, the disc rotates at a higherrate than usual in collecting extra audio data. Thiscould result in a slight increase in disc rotation noise.≥The anti-skip memory compresses digital signals.When bumps continue repeatedlyThe message “SORRY” appears on the display andsound is interrupted.“S-XBS”> “ ” (Cancel)F S-XBSCS-XBSRepeat play/Random playPress during play or stop mode.Each time the button is pressed;1`(1-track repeat)One track is repeated.`(All-track repeat)All the tracks on the disc are repeated.RANDOM (Random)The tracks play once each in random order andthen play stops.RANDOM, `(Random repeat)The tracks play repeatedly in random order.When pressed during program playEach time the button is pressed;1`M (1-track repeat)One track is repeated.`M (Memory repeat)The programmed tracks are repeated.Note!≥You can select the first track to play in random playand random repeat play by pressing [9/i] whilethe disc is stopped. All the tracks are played.≥You cannot select random play or random repeat playduring program play.≥The resume function does not work when random orrandom repeat are on.≥The mode is canceled when you disconnect the powersource.CRANDOM1S-XBS“1`”#“`”#“RANDOM” #“RANDOM`”^ ------------=“ ”(Cancel)( ______ --}CS-XBS1 M“1`M”#“`M” #“M”(Cancel)^---------------------------------------=}J FM RECEPTCITY/NORMODEProgram playUp to 24 tracks can be entered in the programmed se-quence.Preparation: Put unit in stop mode.1 Select the desired track.2 Register in sequence.(The indication “M” and the programmed sequence ap-pear on the display.)3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to program allthe desired tracks.4∫ To program the same track in the se-quence more than once∫ After step 2, press [MEMORY/RECALL] the desirednumber of times.∫ If “'” is displayed∫ No more tracks can be programmed.∫ To confirm the contents of the program∫ Press [MEMORY/RECALL] while the disc is playing.(The numbers of the programmed tracks appear onthe display in sequence.)∫ To delete the entire programmed se-quence∫ Press [∫, OPR OFF].Note!The repeat and random play modes are canceled aftersteps 1 and 2.C MEMORY/RECALLBI