TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTTroubleshooting ChartBefore calling for service, determine the symptoms and follow suggested solutions.I I'x,,. INbiSy Audio Mu!tip!e !range/ Adiust Convergence (refer to pages 28 and 29)Co 0_ s"ift a p Cture.-: .'Z'. Mo_e television from Electrical Appliances, l_ights,NaiSy AUdi0 I tnterference Jiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji iA" iab1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN0iSy Audi0 I NoVideO withSnow JCheck P0wer _0rd is PlUgged into ActiVe OutletAdjuSt Brightness and Audi0 CongressChange ChannetCheck Calole ConnectionsProgram the Remote Centre! AgainNoAudi0 I NoVideoi NOPIP CheckSeoond_deoSeurceOperatior_I Make sure that a PC is not connected to DVI (DIGITALqN) input..j This is a normal condition to prevent image bumqe This feature can beu_ " Shi i_Sntail 0_ turned off HOwever, turning Off this feature may result in imageY( Y_.verticaily)wheatumed_i_anging retent!°n on sq_een. (_efer Pg" 29)N0rma] Aua ° channels o_ within a duration of two 'I (2_ ho"_*SOf vi_ing IAdjust COI0r settings_ INormat Audio NeCol0r IZWrong Audio ImNormal Audio Black BOX on Screen II Reptace Remote Contrel BatteriesN0rma] Audi0 No_-malvideo iIntermittent Remote Control Operation i30 •