33 Basic OperationChanging the Aspect ModeLets you choose the aspect mode based on theformat of the received signal and your preference.Procedure1. The aspect mode changes each time ASPECTis pressed.When an HD signal (1080p/1080i/720p) is received, themode switches between FULL, H-FILL, JUST, and ZOOM.During PC input, the mode switches between 4:3 andFULL only.••FULL ZOOMJUST 4:3FULL ZOOMJUST 4:3ZOOM JUSTFULL H-FILLZOOM JUSTFULL H-FILL4:3 FULL4:3 FULLNotesWhen input mode is CARD, the aspect is set to 4:3 andcannot be changed.If the mode selected does not match the aspect ratio of theinput signal, the original picture quality may be affected.If using this Projection Display in places, such as cafes orhotels, with the aim of displaying programs for a commercialpurpose or for public presentation, please note that by usingthe aspect ratio (16:9) selection function to change theaspect ratio, you may be infringing on the rights of the originalcopyright owner of that program under copyright protectionlaws.If a 4:3 picture is projected in wide screen, distortion mayoccur around the edges so that part of the picture may nolonger be visible. We recommend viewing in 4:3 mode so youcan enjoy the picture as it was intended to be seen.••••Mode Picture Ex pla na tionJUSTJUST916JUST mode will display a 4:3picture at max i mum size, butwith aspect correction appliedto the center of the screenso that elongation is onlyapparent at the left and rightedges of the screen. The sizeof the picture will depend onthe original signal.4:34:3344:3 mode displays a 4:3picture at the standard 4:3size.ZOOMZOOM169ZOOM mode magnifies thecentral section of the picture.FULLFULL169FULL mode displays thepicture at maximum size,but with a slightly elongatedappearance.H-FILLH-FILL169H-FILL mode enlarges a 4:3image horizontally to the sidesof the screen. The side edgesof the image are cut off.Mode Picture Ex pla na tionJUSTJUST916JUST mode will display a 4:3picture at max i mum size, butwith aspect correction appliedto the center of the screenso that elongation is onlyapparent at the left and rightedges of the screen. The sizeof the picture will depend onthe original signal.4:34:3344:3 mode displays a 4:3picture at the standard 4:3size.ZOOMZOOM169ZOOM mode magnifies thecentral section of the picture.FULLFULL169FULL mode displays thepicture at maximum size,but with a slightly elongatedappearance.H-FILLH-FILL169H-FILL mode enlarges a 4:3image horizontally to the sidesof the screen. The side edgesof the image are cut off.ASPECT Con trols