101. Command HierarchyThere are four levels in the hierarchy.(1) User mode:This is the default mode after login. Limited operations are allowed.(2) Privileged mode:This mode allows you to check the state of the Switching Hub, to editconfiguration files, etc.(3) Global configuration mode:This mode allows you to set the general configuration of the SwitchingHub.(4) Interface configuration mode:This mode allows you to set individual items, such as each port and eachVLAN, in details.Fig. 1-1 Command hierarchyenable Command• Enter this command to switch from the User mode to the Privileged mode.M24eG> ···················· User modeM24eG> enable ·············· User mode Privileged modeM24eG# ···················· Privileged modeM24eG# disable ·············· Privileged mode User modeM24eG> ···················· User modedisable Command• Enter this command to switch from the Privileged mode to the User mode.M24eG# ···················· Privileged modeM24eG# disable ·············· Privileged mode User modeM24eG> ···················· User modeM24eG> enableM24eG# configureM24eG(config)# interface gi0/1M24eG(config-if)# exitM24eG(config)# exitM24eG#