Thei:.ilifilillf§@11ffl irtfui,,faii1switch is not accepted.G) The connector for the Analogclock signal is not properlyplugged in.'----------------''.:::========================��'----P- lu_g-it_ i _n _ co_r_ re_c-tl-y._____�G� Move it to "ON " and enter the 0programs again.All of the programs that areset in attaching the programunit to the main unit havedisappeared.Unable to set programs withthe detached program unit.The d isplay on theprogram un itbecomes blank.An output is notproduced according tothe analog clock (Anoutput is not producedwhen a second handreaches 12 o'clockposition).Cannot be recordedproperly.G) The program unit l;M\l@iifflffllffi(§M switch is turned "OFF".Cg) The program unit battery isexhausted (The low batteryindicator is flashing).G) The program unit !#M@iifflffll�IIIIDswitch is turned "OFF".Cg) The program unit battery isexhausted;G) The analog clock and theprogram unit digital clock arenot adjusted when making initialsetting.Cg) The program unit is not connectedto the main unit correctly.@ The power supply is notconnected correctly (or underthe power failure condition).@ The switch isset to other than "AUTO" position.Manual output select@The Amp. Cue is set.G) A cable from the sound sourceis not connected correctly.Cg) Sound volume of the soundsource is low,or too high.L-...------'�L-C- ha- r- ge_t_ h_e- ba_ tt_ e_ry_ .____�B� I Move n to "ON".� I Cha,ge the battery.-10II���M_ a_k_e_ a- dj-u-st_m_ e_ n-ts_ c_o_ rr-e-ct- ly--� 197again.��L_P_ u _ sh-it _ u _ nt_il _ a _ c_ lic_k_ s_ o_ u_nd-is--��,..- heard. �� Connect it correctly (ask your dealer [Jor a person in charge of installation). -�------'� Set it to the "AUTO" position.�'-----------------'If this setting is not required,B� cancel the setting by the Amp. 24Cue button.[________,� Connect it correctly.G�======================�Adjust the sound volume so that Lill� , _ th_ e_ R_ e_ c_.- L-ev_ e_l _ is _ a_t _ a-le_v_ e_ l___, g_ indicated by a mark T .Melodies recorded in Since data retaining time is shortened a little bit on rare occasions after[illrecording due to properties of flash memory when the number of recording isL=th=e=p=a=s=t=r=u=n=o=ff=t=h=e=r=a=il=s=� L=in=cr=e=a=se= d= ,=p=he=n=o=m= e=n=o=n=s=uc= h= a=s=J=·u=m= p= in=e= ss==or= f=u=nn=y=s=o=u=nd==m=a=y=o=c=cu= r=.===�7.-(jumpiness, etc.)�At this time,recordings should be made once again.The rating name plateinside the main unit ishot. time,but this is not abnormal condition. -The name plate becomes slightly hot when melodies are sounded for a long [J��------'-38- PreviousNext |