Recording, Playing and Editing the Melodies.In the case of clearing the fore part of the melody45Press the I ..,./II I button toplay a melody.Stop playing the melody fora brief period of time bypressing the I ..,.111 I buttonimmediately after a part youwant to clear.During temporary stop, it ispossible to carry out rapidadvance ..,,...,,. and rapid retract! +11 Iusing the • • button.�111Wed.StartoPause�111Wed.StartoPauseYear/Hour�oRec.Count� TSat.6 Press the j �·U4ffltibutton. foreoCutThe LCD is flashed, and then themelody time after being edited isdisplayed.In the case of clearing the back part of the melodyStop playing the melody fora brief period of time bypressing the I ..,./II I buttonimmediately after a part youwant to clear.During temporary stop, it ispossible to carry out rapidadvance� and rapid retract! +11 Iusing thel1J#@fiM'liilbutton.6 Press thej=ffll'3!t]button.The LCD is flashed, and then themelody time after being edited isdisplayed.When edit operation iscompleted, return the..,l�...i®-· ...n,$$1switch to the PresentTime position.I Note I�;11Wed.StartoPause�111Wed.StartoPauseYear/Hour*8Rec.Count�..-r;mmBackocut•Default melodies (No.1 to 4) cannot be edited.,,uRec. ��.:_��': Melody 6,,LfCMelody LIn,Lf f,.,f LfSat. Press theI After theloreo Back LCDCut Cut button. is flashed:»L ,,c ,Rec. ��:_':,!�� Melody br;mm,,Lf ,, 'Lf f, ,,cC LfJ,MelodyCIBacko Press thecut BackAfter theLCDCut button. is flashed,C,MelodyCl,,cLf J•The center of the recorded melodies (No.5 to 8) cannot be cleared.-21-