Page 19SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Be sure to observeCAUTION293C-E-EMA00-A03-01M15EDO NOT PLACE ANYOBJECT AROUNDEMERGENCY STOPBUTTONS.You will be unable to press abutton to stop the machine incase of emergency.M17EBBE CAREFUL WITHYOUR HANDS ANDFINGERS WHENCLOSING THECOVER.Your hands or fingers may becaught in the cover and injured.M20EDO NOT BLOCK OFFTHE OUTLET OR IN-LET OF THE FAN.The temperature inside of themachine will rise and themachine may malfunction.Do not block off the outlet orinlet of the fan.Periodically clean the filtersof the outlet and inlet.DO NOT PLACE ANYOBJECTS ON THECOVER.The cover may break due to theweight of the objects and injureyou.M16EBM23EONLY THE PERSON INCHARGE MUSTCHANGE THE DATA.The machine may runaway ormalfunction.The data must be changedonly by a trained specialistin charge.M27EDO NOT GIVE ASHOCK TO THE ELEC-TRICAL EQUIPMENTS.There is a risk of an electricshock, leak or malfunction ofthe machine.DO NOT DISAS-SEMBLE THE CAM-ERA UNIT.You may be injured or themachine may break down.If a breakdown occurs,consult the manufacturer.M41EM24EBTAKE AWAY TOOLSFROM THE INSIDE OFTHE MACHINE.The machine may malfunctionas a result of a tool left inside.Before operating the ma-chine, verify that no tools areleft inside.M18EDO NOT CLIMB ORRIDE ON THE MA-CHINE.You may fall from or get caughtin the machine and get injured.