4.1 Troubleshooting76 Installation Manual4.1.3 OperationPROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE SOLUTION• When using thespeakerphone on ananalogue proprietarytelephone, no sound isheard.• The HANDSET/HEADSET selector is setto the "HEADSET"position.• When the headset is not used, set theHANDSET/HEADSET selector to the"HANDSET" position.• The proprietary telephone(PT) does not ring.• The ringer volume is set tooff.• Set to "HIGH" or "LOW".• During a power failure,PTs connected to jacknumber 01 does notoperate.• Only single line telephones (SLTs) can beused during a power failure. Disconnectthe PT and connect an SLT.• Outside (CO) line callscannot be made with a PT.• A flexible button on the PThas not been programmedto select an outside (CO)line.• Programme the CO buttons. Refer to"1.18.2 Flexible Buttons" in the FeatureGuide.• An SLT set to "tone"dialling mode cannotmake calls.• There may be somethingwrong with the DTMFreceiver.1. Select "Enable" for DTMF receiver 1 and"Disable" for DTMF receiver 2 throughsystem programming, "DTMF ReceiverCheck [107]".2. Try to make a call using a tone-type SLTconnected to one of extension jacks 01–08.3. If you cannot make the call, the problemmay have been caused by DTMF receiver1. If the call can be made, go to step 4.4. Try DTMF receiver 2. Select "Disable" forDTMF receiver 1 and "Enable" for DTMFreceiver 2 through system programming,"DTMF Receiver Check [107]", and makeanother call. If you cannot make the call,the problem may have been caused byDTMF receiver 2. If the call can be made,go to step 5.5. Check the other 4 DTMF receivers thesame way through "DTMF Receiver Check[107]" in system programming.