1.1 System Highlights18 Installation Manual1.1 System Highlights1.1.1 System HighlightsNetworking FeaturesThe Hybrid IP-PBX supports the following private networking features:TIE Line ServicePBXs can be connected via a privately leased telephone lines forming a private network.These "TIE lines" provide a cost-effective way to route calls and communications, and areoften used to connect corporate offices located in different cities.QSIG SupportTIE line service can be used on a private network that implements the QSIG protocol(Q.931). QSIG offers TIE line service as well as advanced caller and called partyidentification features.Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) NetworkThe Hybrid-IP PBX can be used on a private network which implements VoIP. On this typeof network, information is sent over the private network in IP packets, which allows voiceas well as data to be sent to other devices in the private network.Built-in Small Call Center FeaturesExtensions can form an incoming call distribution (ICD) group and be used as a small callcenter which can take advantage of several features, some of which are highlighted below.QueuingWhen all available extensions in an ICD group are busy, additional calls can be placed ina queue as they arrive. While calls are waiting in the queue, callers can hear backgroundmusic (BGM), an outgoing message (OGM), etc.Log-in/Log-outMembers of an ICD group can log-in to or log-out of a group manually. Group memberscan log-in at the beginning of a work shift, and log-out at the end of the day. While logged-in, ICD group members can be allotted a specified amount of time after completing a callduring which new calls will not be received by their extensions, allowing them to finish anynecessary paperwork before being eligible to receive new calls (Wrap-up).VIP CallThe VIP Call feature is one method of making sure that calls from preferred customers orcallers are answered quickly. When using VIP Call mode, ICD groups are assigned apriority, allowing calls in higher-priority groups to be answered before calls in lower-prioritygroups.Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) FeaturesComputers can be connected to the Hybrid-IP PBX to provide extension users with access toadvanced features such as pop-up display of caller information, computer-based speed dialing,etc.PC Phone/PC ConsoleThese Panasonic CTI applications can be used on computers connected to eachextension, providing their respective extension users with powerful and flexible callhandling and display features.