A1 VoIP Requirements46 Getting StartedA1 VoIP RequirementsA1.1 Bandwidth AssessmentWhen using the VoIP Gateway Card, you must ensure that the IP network in use has enoughbandwidth to support VoIP communications. If the amount of bandwidth required for VoIPcommunications is larger than what the network can accommodate, speech quality will becompromised. In addition, there may be some adverse effect on the performance of other applications(e.g., email or web applications) that use the same network. Therefore, care must be taken whenassessing bandwidth requirements.Inform your network administrator of the required bandwidth, and make sure that the network cansupport VoIP communications even under conditions of maximum network traffic.Bandwidth CalculationProvided below is the formula to find out the amount of bandwidth required for VoIP communications:Required bandwidth for one VoIP channel is shown in the tables below (for more details, refer to "2.2.3Voice Communication Parameters" in the VoIP Gateway Card Programming Guide).Required Bandwidth for One VoIP ChannelThe required bandwidth depends on what combination of CODEC and packet sending interval isused. Keep in mind the following points about the type of CODEC and packet sending interval, interms of the speech quality:• The speech quality of the CODECs varies as follows: (High) G.711, G.729A, G.723.1 (Low)• The shorter the packet sending interval, the higher the speech quality.• The higher the speech quality the VoIP Gateway Card provides, the more bandwidth thecard requires.Via LANRequired Bandwidth= (No. of Fax Machines × Required Bandwidth for the G.711 CODEC) +[(16 - No. of Fax Machines) × Required Bandwidth for Voice Communication]CODEC Packet Sending Interval20 ms 30 ms 40 ms 60 ms 90 msG.711 87.2 kbps 79.5 kbps 75.6 kbps 71.7 kbps —G.729A 31.2 kbps 23.5 kbps 19.6 kbps 15.7 kbps —G.723.1 5.3 kbps — 20.8 kbps — 13.1 kbps 10.5 kbpsG.723.1 6.3 kbps — 21.9 kbps — 14.1 kbps 11.6 kbps