11.1 Error Messages (EXXXX)270 Programming Error Messages11.1 Error Messages (EXXXX)Error Code Error MessageDescriptionE0000 System error. (Error code : XXX)A system error occurred. Please inform your distributor how the error was generatedand what the error code was.E0001 Cannot create temporary file.There is insufficient free space on your hard disk or this software is not installedcorrectly.E0002 Illegal password.The password entered while making the connection didn't correspond to the one thathad already been registered.E0003 System error. (ID : XX)An error code was returned by the Windows System Library. The error code was "XX."Please inform your distributor how the error was generated and what the error codewas.E0004 The file 'XX' doesn't exist.Tried to open the data file 'XX' that doesn't exist.E0005 Illegal programming version.Tried to open the data file that was made in the newer software version of PCprogramming than one being used at present.E0006 Communication error.A communication error occurred between your PC and the PBX. Or the portparameters of your PC do not match the port parameters of the PBX.E0007 Communication error of the modem. (XX)"XX" stands for the result code that was received from the modem.E0008 Cannot open COM port.The COM port of your PC is being used by some other application.Or the device cannot be used for some reason.E0009 COM port access failed. (ID:XX)"XX" stands for the error code of the Windows system.E0010 Communication timeout.Cannot detect a response from PBX when connecting PC to PBX directly using an RS-232C Cable.E0011 No response from the modem.Cannot detect a response from the modem because a modem is not connected to PC orthe communication port (COM) parameter of PC is not correct.