1.1 Before Operating the Telephones16 Operating ManualWhen You Use a Panasonic Proprietary TelephoneIf you use a Panasonic proprietary telephone and the Console, they may have some of the useful featurebuttons described below. For a PS user, refer to "Operating Instructions" for PS. These buttons makeoperations simple. The illustrations may differ from the buttons on your telephone.Fixed ButtonsPress the corresponding featurebutton on the proprietary telephone.Talk.Enter the required number.Enter the account code.You will hear a busy, confirmation,dial, ring or ringback tone.B. Tone: Busy ToneC. Tone: Confirmation ToneD. Tone: Dial ToneR. Tone: Ring ToneR. B. Tone: Ringback ToneDial an extension number. Dial outside phone number.Dial the telephone number. Press any dial key (0–9, , #).CO:Used to make or receive an outside call.(Button assignment is required.)Also used as feature buttons. (Buttonassignment is required.)(Only the CO line "number" [e.g., 1, 2]may be shown on some telephones.)SP-PHONE:Used for hands-free operation.AUTO DIAL/STORE:Used for System/Personal Speed Dialingor storing program changes.PAUSE:Used to insert a pause when storing atelephone number. This button alsofunctions as the PROGRAM button whenthere is no PROGRAM button on yourtelephone.REDIAL:Used to redial the last dialed number.MESSAGE:Used to leave a message waitingindication or call back the party who leftthe message waiting indication.INTERCOM:Used to make or receive intercom calls.AUTO ANS (Auto Answer)/MUTE:Used to receive an incoming call inhands-free mode or mute the microphoneduring a conversation.MONITOR:Used for hands-free dialing. You canmonitor the party's voice in hands-freemode.HOLD:Used to place a call on hold.desired no.account codeextension no.outsidephone no.phone no.dial key(CO)SPSP-PHONEMONITORMONITOR