Operating Manual 3In this manual,• Proprietary Telephone is abbreviated as "PT"*1.Single Line Telephone is abbreviated as "SLT".Proprietary Telephone with a Display is abbreviated as "Display PT".• The following icons are used as hints and conditions throughout this manual.1.1.1 Before Operating a Telephone 1.3.34 Direct Inward System Access (DISA)For more details, consult your dealer.*1 In this manual, "proprietary telephone" ("PT") means an analog proprietary telephone (APT).This PBX supports the connection of Panasonicproprietary telephones (PTs), Direct StationSelection (DSS) Consoles, and single linedevices such as single line telephones (SLTs),fax machines, wireless SLTs, and dataterminals.Advanced Hybrid SystemA caller can be directed to the desired partysimply by pressing a single-digit number asdirected by the 3-level DISA outgoingmessages (OGMs).3-level Automated AttendantFirstDISAOGMDial 0 (Operator)Dial 1Dial 2Dial 3Dial 0Dial 13-levelDISAOGM 1Dial 2Dial 0(Mike)Dial 1(John)3-levelDISAOGM 33-levelDISAOGM 223-levelDISAOGM 243-levelDISAOGM 23-levelDISAOGM 23Dial 2(Tony)This PBX supports wireless proprietarytelephones (PTs). These phones provide systemfeatures that make them superior to standardcordless telephones.Wireless Proprietary TelephonesConditionsHints!!!!