1.1 Before Operating a Telephone16 Operating ManualWhen You Use a Panasonic Proprietary TelephoneIf you use a Panasonic PT or DSS Console, you will be able to use some of the useful feature buttonsdescribed below. These buttons simplify certain operations. The illustrations below may differ from theactual buttons on your telephone.Fixed ButtonsGo on-hook by doing any of thefollowing:• Hang up.• Press the SP-PHONE button.• Press the MONITOR button.Press the Recall/hookswitch briefly.Talk. Enter the required number.<Example>Enter the account code.You will hear a busy, confirmation,dial, or ringback tone.B. Tone: Busy ToneC. Tone: Confirmation ToneD. Tone: Dial ToneR. B. Tone: Ringback ToneDial an extension number.Dial an outside telephone number. Dial an extension number or outsidetelephone number.CO:Used to access an outside (CO) line (oroutside (CO) line group) when making orreceiving a call. The button'spreprogrammed Outside (CO) LineAccess method determines which line isselected. Can also be customized as afeature button.SP-PHONE:Used to select handset or hands-freeoperation.AUTO DIAL/STORE:Used for System Speed Dialing/SavedNumber Redial, playing back personal/common BV outgoing messages (OGMs)used by the Built-in Voice Message (BV)feature, and storing program changes.PAUSE:Used to insert a dialing pause in a storednumber.desired no.account codeextension no.outsidephone no. phone no.(CO)(CO)