2.10 Wireless2.10.1 WLAN (KX-NTV150 only)Wi-Fi Enable (default checked):If connect camera with PoE (Power over Ethernet) cable, camera directly connects to LAN. If connected onlywith AC adaptor power and without a LAN cable, the camera connects to WLAN. However if this setting isunchecked, camera cannot connect to WLAN in all situations.Although the wireless connection is made before you can access the camera’s configuration page, you canenter the WLAN settings if configuration change should be made, e.g., connecting to a different AP (AccessPoint).Below are more information about encryption and other wireless-related settings.SSID (Service Set Identifier): This is the name that identifies a wireless network. Access Points and wirelessclients attempting to connect to a specific WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) must use the same SSID. Thedefault setting is "default".Note• The maximum length for an SSID is 32 single-byte characters and cannot consist of ", <, >, or blankspaces. Note that the SSID is case-sensitive.Wireless mode: Select the infrastructure mode to connect to wireless AP. Select Ad-hoc mode tocommunicate with the camera without using an AP or wireless router.Security: Select the data encrypt method. There are four types, including: none, WEP, WPA-PSK, andWPA2-PSK.1. None: No data encryption.90 User’s Manual2 Software