2.9.2 Streaming protocolsHTTP streamingTo utilize HTTP authentication, make sure that your have set a password for the KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160 first;please refer to Security ® User accounts on page 92 for details.Authentication: Depending on your network security requirements, the KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160 provides twotypes of security settings for an HTTP transaction: basic and digest.If basic authentication is selected, the password is sent in plain text format and there can be potential risks ofbeing intercepted. If digest authentication is selected, user credentials are encrypted using MD5 algorithm andthus provide better protection against unauthorized accesses.HTTP port/Secondary HTTP port: By default, the HTTP port is set to 80 and the secondary HTTP port is setto 8080. They can also be assigned to another port number between 1025 and 65535. If the ports are incorrectlyassigned, a warning message will be displayed.To access the KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160 on the LAN, both the HTTP port and secondary HTTP port can beused to access the KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160. For example, when the HTTP port is set to 80 and the secondaryHTTP port is set to 8080, refer to the list below for the KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160’s IP address.On the LANhttp:// or name for stream 1 (RTSP): This KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160 supports multiple streams simultaneously.The access name is used to differentiate the streaming source. Users can click Media ® Video ® Streamsettings to set up the video quality of linked streams. For more information about how to set up the video quality,please refer to Stream settings on page 76.When using Mozilla Firefox to access the KX-NTV150/KX-NTV160 and the video mode is set to JPEG, userswill receive video comprised of continuous JPEG images. This technology, known as "server push", allows theKX-NTV150/KX-NTV160 to feed live pictures to Mozilla Firefox.URL command: http://:/video.mjpgFor example, when the Access name for stream:1. Launch Mozilla Firefox.2. Enter the above URL command in the address bar. Press Enter.User’s Manual 832 Software