33(ENG) SQT0885∫ Carefully observe copyrightlawsWhatever you have recorded and createdcan be used for your personal entertainmentonly. Under copyright laws, other materialscannot be used without obtainingpermission from the holders of thecopyrights.∫ Licenses≥ microSDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C,LLC.≥ iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries.≥ App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.≥ Android and Google Play are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Google Inc.≥ The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ™ Logo is acertification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance ® .≥ “Wi-Fi ® ” is a registered trademark of Wi-FiAlliance® .≥ “WPA ™ ” and “WPA2™” are trademarks ofWi-Fi Alliance® .≥ Other names of systems and productsmentioned in these instructions are usuallythe registered trademarks or trademarks ofthe manufacturers who developed the systemor product concerned.This product is licensed under the AVC patentportfolio license for the personal andnon-commercial use of a consumer to (i)encode video in compliance with the AVCStandard (“AVC Video”) and/or (ii) decode AVCVideo that was encoded by a consumerengaged in a personal and non-commercialactivity and/or was obtained from a videoprovider licensed to provide AVC Video. Nolicense is granted or shall be implied for anyother use. Additional information may beobtained from MPEG LA, LLC.See http://www.mpegla.com.Wireless transmitter:Compliance standard; IEEE802.11b/g/nFrequency range used;Central frequency 2412 MHz to 2462 MHz [11ch]Encryption method; Wi-Fi compliant WPA™ /WPA2™ /WEPAccess method; Infrastructure modeOthersAbout copyright