Introduction GN Series Hardware Manual21.1 Safety Instructions!WARNINGTo ensure safe operation, observe these safety instructions.I• Always take precautions to ensure the overall safety of your system so that the wholesystem remains safe in the event of failure of this product or other external factor.• DO NOT USE THE PROGRAMMABLE DISPLAY TO CONTROL SAFETYFEATURES OR OTHER CRITICAL OPERATIONS OF EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEMS.A COMMUNICATION ERROR (FOR ANY REASON) MIGHT PREVENT SUCHSAFETY FEATURES OR CRITICAL OPERATIONS FROM FUNCTIONINGPROPERLY.• Do not use this product in areas with inflammable gas. It could lead to an explosion.• Exposing this product to excessive heat or open flames could damage the lithiumbattery or other electronic parts.• The on-site electrical installation must meet the requirements of the country’s specificlocal regulations.• If a power cable comes with the product, only this cable should be used. Do not usean extension cable to connect the product.• To guarantee that sufficient air circulation is available to cool the product, pleaseensure that the ventilation openings are not covered or blocked. If a filter mat isprovided, this should be cleaned regularly.• Do not place the system close to heat sources or damp places.• Only devices or parts which fulfill the requirements of SELV circuits (Safety Extra LowVoltage) as stipulated by IEC 60950-1 may be connected to the available interfaces. NOTEOpening the device during the guarantee period will render the guarantee nulland void.• Before opening the device, make sure that the device is disconnected from the mains.Switching off the device by its power button does not disconnect it from the mains.Complete disconnection is only possible if the power cable is removed from the wallplug or from the device. Ensure that there is free and easy access to enabledisconnection.• If the system is expanded, you must observe the following:- that all effective legal regulations and all technical data are adhered to- the power consumption of any add-on card does not exceed the specifiedlimitations