2. Checking Information2-1. Handling Precautions forT1raverseDeckThelaser diodeinthetraverse deck (optical pickup)maybreakdownduetopotential differencecausedbystatic electricity of clothes orhuman body.So,be careful of electrostatic breakdown during repair ofthetraverse deck(optical pickup).•Handling oftraverse deck (optical pickup)FPC boardsFZ-101.Donotsubject the traverse deck (opticalpicltostatic electricityasitisextremely sensitivetoelectrical shock. Lens {Do not touch) {Handle then carefully)2.Topreventthe breakdownofthelaserdiode,anantistaticshortingpinisinserted into theflexibleboard (FPCboard).When removing or connecting the short pin,finish the jobinasshorttimeaspossible.3.Take care nottoapply excessivestresstotheflexible board (FPC board).4.Donot turn the variable resistor (laser poweradjustment). Ithasalready been·adjusted.ITraverse Deck Variable resistorBesure to short this portion(Do not touch) {Use the shortingpinor clip)Wrist strap(Anti-static bracelet)• Grounding for electrostatic breakdown prevention1. Human body groundingUse the anti-static wrist strap to discharge thestatic electricityfrom your body.2. Work table groundingPut a conductive material (sheet) or steel sheeton the area where the optical pickup is placed,and ground the sheet.Caution:The static electricity of your clothes will not begrounded through the wrist strap. So, take carenot to let your clothes touch the traverse deck(optical pickup).2-1Iron plate or some metalsto conduct electricity