Creating Programs4-304.4.4 Writing of Digital Data for Output (14-bit Mode)With the analog I/O unit (FP0R-A42/A21), the conversion output is performed by using twobits as the switching flags of output channels and writing data. I/O allocation (14-bit mode)In the 14-bit mode, the most significant two bits are used as the switching flags. They arecommon to the flags for setting ranges.Y3FY3EY3DY3CY3BY3AY39Y38Y37Y36Y35Y34Y33Y32Y31Y30Y2FY2EY2DY2CY2BY2AY29Y28Y27Y26Y25Y24Y23Y22Y21Y20A1A0Output data of CH1 (14bit)Input average setting: CH0-CH3CH1 output range settingA1A0Output data of CH0 (14bit)Input average setting: CH0-CH3CH0 output range settingA1 A0 Item A1 A0 Item0 0 CH1 output data setting 0 0 CH0 output data setting0 1 Input average setting 0 1 Input range setting1 0 CH1 output range setting 1 0 CH0 output range setting1 1 CH1 output data setting 1 1 CH0 output data setting Writing data for conversion• The analog I/O unit writes the analog output digital data of a maximum of 2 channels to twomemory areas (WY2/WY3) by user programs.• Protect output switching flags from being overwritten by a subsequentprogram after writing data. Output data becomes invalid.• Always insert a program which checks the upper and lower limits to makewritten digital values be within the allowable data ranges referring theprograms described on the following pages.Mode Range setting Lower limit Upper limit14-bit mode ±range -8000 8000+range 0 16000• For the analog I/O unit (FP0R-A21/A42), the data setting becomes validwhen the output switching flags (Y2F, Y2E) or (Y3F, Y3E) are (0, 0) or (1, 1).When written digital values are within the range in the above table, it is notnecessary to add programs for setting or setting the output switching flagsafter data transmission like the following programs because the outputswitching flags (Y2F, Y2E) or (Y3F, Y3E) are always (0, 0) or (1, 1).