Creating Programs4-44.2 Analog input unit (FP0R-AD4/AD8)4.2.1 Reading of Input Data (Common to 12-bit Mode and 14-bit Mode)The analog input unit uses the most significant 2 bits as a flag for switching channels andreads conversion data sequentially. I/O allocation (External input WX)X3FX3EX3DX3CX3BX3AX39X38X37X36X35X34X33X32X31X30X2FX2EX2DX2CX2BX2AX29X28X27X26X25X24X23X22X21X20A1A0Conversion data ofCH1/CH3/CH5/CH7(14 bit with sign)Conversion data ofCH0/CH2/CH4/CH6(16 bit with sign)Conversion data switch flagA1 A0 WX3 WX20 0 CH1 data CH0 data0 1 CH3 data CH2 data1 0 CH5 data CH4 data1 1 CH7 data CH6 data Role of conversion data switching flag• The analog input unit reads the analog input data of a maximum of 8 channels using twomemory areas (WX2 and WX3). The most significant two bits are allocated as a conversiondata switching flag for distinguishing channels.• Conversion data of even numbered channels can be read as 16-bit data as they are.• As conversion data of odd numbered channels contain the conversion data switching flag ofmost significant two bits, mask processing needs to be applied to the data with a userprogram. Plus conversion data should be masked by "00", and minus conversion datashould be masked by "11". Create a program in reference to the following programs.(Example):For reading data of CH3CH3 data WX3 Data after masking Description1 0100 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 Most significant two bits aremasked by "00".-1 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Most significant two bits aremasked by "11".