- 10 -II. ADDITIONALSAFETY RULESSafety instructions for all op-erationsSafety warning common for Grindingor Abrasive Cutting-off operations:1) This power tool is intended tofunction as a grinder, or cut-offtool. Read all safety warnings,instructions, illustrations andspecifications provided with thispower tool. Failure to follow all in-structions listed below may result inelectric shock, fire and/or seriousinjury.2) Operations such as sanding,wire brushing, polishing are notrecommended to be performedwith this power tool. Operationsfor which the power tool was notdesigned may create a hazard andcause personal injury.3) Do not use accessories whichare not specifically designed andrecommended by the tool man-ufacturer. Just because the ac-cessory can be attached to yourpower tool, it does not assure safeoperation.4) The rated speed of the accessorymust be at least equal to themaximum speed marked on thepower tool. Accessories runningfaster than their RATED SPEEDcan break and fly apart.5) The outside diameter and thethickness of your accessory mustbe within the capacity rating ofyour power tool. Incorrectly sizedaccessories cannot be adequatelyguarded or controlled.6) The arbour size of wheels, flanges,backing pads or any other ac-cessory must properly fit thespindle of the power tool. Acces-sories with arbour holes that do notmatch the mounting hardware ofthe power tool will run out of bal-ance, vibrate excessively and maycause loss of control.7) Do not use a damaged accessory.Before each use inspect the ac-cessory such as abrasive wheelsfor chips and cracks. If power toolor accessory is dropped, inspectfor damage or install an unda-maged accessory. After inspect-ing and installing an accessory,position yourself and bystandersaway from the plane of the rotat-ing accessory and run the powertool at maximum no-load speedfor one minute. Damaged acces-sories will normally break apart dur-ing this test time.8) Wear personal protectiveequipment. Depending on ap-plication, use face shield, safetygoggles or safety glasses. Asappropriate, wear dust mask,hearing protectors, gloves andworkshop apron capable ofstopping small abrasive orworkpiece fragments. The eyeprotection must be capable ofstopping flying debris generatedby various operations. The eyeprotection must be capable ofstopping flying debris generated byvarious operations. The dust maskor respirator must be capable of fil-trating particles generated by youroperation. Prolonged exposure tohigh intensity noise may causehearing loss.9) Keep bystanders a safe distanceaway from work area. Anyoneentering the work area must wearpersonal protective equipment.Fragments of workpiece or of abroken accessory may fly away andcause injury beyond immediate areaof operation.10) Hold power tool by insulated grip-ping surfaces only, when perform-ing an operation where the cuttingaccessory may contact hidden wir-ing or its own cord. Cutting acces-sory contacting a “live” wire maymake exposed metal parts of thepower tool “live” and shock the op-erator.