8VQT1B11Concerning thebatteries∫Types of batteries that can beused≥ The use of batteries made byPanasonic is recommended.≥ The performance of the batteriesused may significantly differdepending on which battery brandis used, how long the batterieshave been stored since they weremanufactured and how they havebeen stored.≥ The performance of the batteriesdecreases temporarily at lowtemperatures (below 10 °C), butwill be restored when thetemperature returns to roomtemperature.≥ Malfunctioning may occur undercertain ambient temperatures andoperating conditions. However,this is not indicative of trouble.≥ In order to ensure that thebatteries will function for as longas possible, it is recommendedthat you turn off the unit’s powerduring the intervals betweentaking photos. If the unit is to beused for prolonged periods, theuse of rechargeable nickel metalhydride batteries is recommended.≥ Once spent, batteries may recovertheir performance when leftstanding for a while, but they willquickly become unusable again.For this reason, always make apoint of replacing spent batterieswith fresh ones.∫Types of batteries with whichoperation is not guaranteed≥ Panasonic offers no guaranteesthat the unit will operate properlywhen any of the batteries listedabove are used. Furthermore, useof these batteries may result inelectrolyte leakage, power failureetc.AA Alkaline dry batteries (LR6)AA Rechargeable nickel metalhydride batteries (Ni-MH)AA Ni-Cd batteriesAA Nickel-manganese batteries(ZR6)AA Lithium batteries (FR6)AA Manganese batteries (R6)AA Oxyride (oxy-nickel-hydroxide)dry batteriesCR-V3 Lithium battery packs