Panasonic DMR-BWT760 Operating Instruction
Playing back videoSQT110940• The menu is not displayed when playing photos.Display language listPicture SettingsPicture TypeSelect the picture quality mode during play.Sharpness AdjustmentNoise ReductionLuminance/Colour AdjustmentBandwidth LimitationAdjusts the bandwidth limitations.24p / 25p ConversionPlays back videos with film-like motion.• This function is available on the followingconditions:- “HDMI Video Format” set to “Automatic”,“1080i”§ or “1080p”§ (> 74)§ Only for 24p Conversion- Connect 24p/25p compatible TV.• Noise may appear on the image when youswitch the setting.ProgressiveSelect the method of conversion forprogressive output to suit the type of title beingplayed.• AutoAutomatically detects the film and videocontent, and appropriately converts it.• VideoSelect this setting when the content isdistorted if “Auto” is selected.• FilmSelect this if the edges of the film contentappear jagged or rough when “Auto” isselected. However, if the video content isdistorted, then select “Auto”.Reset to Default Picture SettingsRestores the default settings of the PictureSettings menu.Sound Effect SettingsDSD Decode Sampling FrequencySelect the settings that suit your sound qualitypreferences.DSD LPF SettingSelect the settings that suit your sound qualitypreferences.Sound SettingsSound Effects• This function is effective when “Digital AudioOutput” is set to “PCM”. (> 73)Night SurroundEnjoy a movie with powerful sound evenwhen the volume is kept low at night.Re-master 1/Re-master 2Sound becomes more natural by addinghigher frequency signals not recorded onthe track.Dialogue EnhancerThe volume of the centre channel is raised tomake dialogue easier to hear.3D Settings (> 38)Signal Format3D Picture ModeManual SettingsGraphic Display LevelENG English JPN Japanese ARA ArabicFRA French CHI Chinese HIN HindiDEU German KOR Korean PER PersianITA Italian MAL Malay IND IndonesianESP Spanish VIE Vietnamese MRI MaoriNLD Dutch THA Thai BUL BulgarianSVE Swedish POL Polish RUM RomanianNOR Norwegian CES Czech GRE GreekDAN Danish SLK Slovak TUR TurkishPOR Portuguese HUN Hungarian ¢ OthersRUS Russian FIN Finnish |
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