14[[DVD]]Before UseYou can enjoy progressive video by connecting this unit’sCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT terminals to an LCD or plasma TVcompatible with progressive video.(1) Television withComponent videoinput terminals(not supplied)(2) Component videoinput (Y/PB /PR)(3) Audio input (L/R)(4) Video cables(not supplied)(5) Audio cable(not supplied)(6) COMPONENTVIDEO OUT(Y/PB /PR)(7) AUDIO OUT(L/R)Preparation≥Press [DVD].[1] While stoppedPress [FUNCTIONS].[2] Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select “SETUP” andpress [ENTER].[3] Press [3, 4] to select “Connection” and press[2, 1].[4] Press [3, 4] to select “Progressive” and press[ENTER].[5] Press [3, 4] to select “On” and press [ENTER].≥Output becomes progressive.ªTo return to the previous screenPress [RETURN].ªCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT terminalThese terminals can be used for either interlace or progressiveoutput and provide a purer picture than the S-VIDEO OUT terminal.Connection using these terminals outputs the colour differencesignals (PB /PR ) and luminance signal (Y) separately in order toachieve high fidelity in reproducing colours.≥The description of the component video input terminals depends onthe television or monitor (e.g.: Y/P B/P R, Y/B-Y/R-Y, Y/C B /CR).Connect to terminals of the same colour.When making this connection, ensure you connect the audio cablesto the corresponding audio input terminals on the television.ªRegarding Progressive Television PictureProgressive image aspect (height to width ratio) is set at a standard16:9. DVD-Video which has been set at 16:9 will be displayedcorrectly. However, 4:3 video material will be stretched to the rightand left when displayed.To view the picture at the right aspect≥For televisions that allow the aspect of progressive images to beadjusted, use the function provided on the television and adjust asnecessary.≥For televisions which do not allow the aspect of progressive imagesto be adjusted, please set “Progressive” to “OFF”. (l 41)Note≥When connected to a regular television (CRT: Cathode ray tube),even if it is progressive compatible, progressive output can causesome flickering. Turn off “Progressive” if this occurs (l 45).≥Video will not be displayed correctly if connected to an incompatibletelevision.≥There is no output from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT terminals if“AV1 Output” in the SETUP menu is set to “RGB (withoutcomponent)”. Set this item to “Video (with component)” (l 45).≥If the unit is connected to the television through VIDEO OUT,S-VIDEO OUT or AV1 terminal, output will be interlace irrespectiveof the settings.Connecting a Television with Component video input terminalsCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT(PROGRESSIVE/INTERLACE)AV1 (TV)AV2 (DECOOPTICALDIGITAL AUDIO OUT(PCM/BITSTREAM)VIDEOS-VIDEOVIDEOAUDIORLAUDIORLDVD OUTDVD/VHSCOMMON OUTCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT(PROGRESSIVE/INTERLACE)Y P B P RCOMPONENTVIDEO INY P B PR(6) (7)(3)(2)(4)(1)(5)DVD