3-185Control of 2WAY SYSTEM1234567898. Intelligent Controller (CZ-256ESMC2)EScreen Display and Operation8[O/D comm. error log] logs the history of errors in communication between the outdoor unit and theIntelligent Controller or the Communication Adaptor.[Adapter alarm log] logs the history of warnings as determined by the Intelligent Controller or theCommunication Adaptor.(Duplicate adaptor addresses, communication error between the Intelligent Controller and adaptor, etc.)Screen Display and Operation93-6. Mail Send Log ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [4. Maintenance/Test Run : 4. Sent mail log] while logged in as anadministrator, a screen such as shown below appears.c No.The entry numbers for the sent mail log. With a maximum of 20 (No. 1 to 20) possible entries, thenewest entries appear at the top of the list. When the number of entries exceeds 20, entries aredeleted starting with the oldest.As up to three mail recipients can be specified, up to three log entries can be recorded for one alarmoccurrence.d Rslt“OK” appears when an alarm mail is sent properly, and “NG” appears when sending fails.e Send T.The date and time the alarm mail was sent (or sending was attempted).f ToThe recipient address the alarm mail was sent to. If the address is too long, only part of the addressmay appear.g Unit nameThe name of the indoor unit for which the alarm occurred.h Alarm codeThe code for the alarm that occurred.i Stat“Occurrence” appears when a notification of an alarm occurrence is sent, and “Restoration” appearswhen a notification of an alarm restoration is sent.j AddressThe address of the indoor unit for which the alarm occurred.The address follows the format, “adaptor number - link number - system (outdoor) number - indoornumber”.When a test mail is sent, “TEST_MAIL” appears.c d e f ո g h i