REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION (MODELS CT-32HX42 AND CT-36HX42)Component CodesThe Universal Remote Control is capable of operating many component brands after entering a code, Some componentsmay not operate because the codes are not available due to limited memory. The Universal Remote Control does notcontrol all features found in each model.VCR DVD DBS CABLECodes For VCRAdmiralAiwaAkaiAudio DynamicSell & HowellBroksonicCanonCCECitizenCraigCudis MathesDaewooDSXDirnensiaEmersonFisherFunaJGEGoldstarGradienteHitachiInstant ReplayJensenJVCKenwoodLXIMagnavoxMarantzMartaMemorex_IGAk-linolta_itsubishi_lultitechNECOlympic_)ptimus335332314, 315, 316, 329311,339305, 313320, 326323, 325343306305, 306, 329324, 345301,324, 343310, 311,339345303, 319, 320, 325, 326, 343305, 307, 308, 309, 313320, 326, 334324, 333, 345306334300, 323, 345323, 324339310, 311,334,339306, 310, 311,339300, 305, 306.307. 308, 309323, 324, 331310, 311,339306309, 324338, 340, 341,347,348300, 345338, 340, 341,347. 348304, 347310,311,334, 339323, 324306, 321,328,335Onon 320, 326Panasonic 321,322, 323, 324J.C. Penney 300,305, 310, 311,324, 339, 345Pentax 300,311,345Philco 320, 323, 324,326, 331,343Philips 323, 324, 331Pioneer 323Proscan • 300, 301,302, 323, 324, 331,333,345, 346Quasar 321,322, 323, 324Radio Shack 305, 369,324, 333, 336, 340RCA 300, 301,302, 323, 324, 331,333,345, 346ReaJistic 305,309, 324, 336, 340Samsung 302, 304,333Sansul 320, 326, 339, 352Sanyo 305, 309, 313301,302, 304, 309,320, 326, 338,Scott 340, 347, 348Sears 300, 305, 306, 307, 308Sharp 335, 336Shiniom 317Signature 2000 335Singer 337Sony 328, 329,330Sylvania 331,324,331Tashiro 306Tatung 310, 311,339Teac 310, 311,339Technics 321,322, 323,324Teknika 324Toshiba 301,346Vector Research 311Wards 306, 309. 335. 336. 344Yamaha 305, 310.311,339Zenith 306,344260