REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION (MODELS CT-32HL42 AND CT-36HL42)Component CodesThe Universal Remote Control is capable of operating many component brands after entering a code. Some componentsmay not operate because the codes are not available due to limited memory. The Universal Remote Control does notcontrol all features found in each model.VCR DVD DVD (CD) AUX (VCR 2) AUX (TAPE)RECEIVER DTV CABLE DBSCodes For VCRAdmiralAiwaAkalAudio DynamicBell & HowellBroksonicCanonCitizenCraigCurtis MathesOaewooDBXDimensiaEmersonFisherFunalGEGoldstarGradienteHitachiInstant ReplayJensenJVCKenwoodLXIMagnavoxMarantzMartaMemorexMGAMinoltaMitsubishiMuititechNECO_ymp_c0ptimus335332314, 315, 316, 329311,339305, 313320, 326323, 325306305, 306, 329324,345301,324, 343310,311,339345303, 319, 320, 325, 326, 343305, 307, 308, 309, 313320,326,334324, 333,345300334300, 323, 345323, 324339310, 311,334. 339306, 310, 311,339300. 305,306, 307, 308, 309323, 324,331310, 311,339306309, 324338, 340, 341,347, 348300, 345338,340, 341,347, 348304, 347310,311,334, 339323, 324306, 321,328, 335DrionPanasonicJ.C. PenneyPentaxPhilcoPhilips -:PioneerProscan:_uasar:_adioShack:_CA=iaalistic!SamsungSansuiSanyoScottSearsShaq0ShintornSignature 2000SingerSonySylvaniaTashiroTatungTeacTechnicsTeknikaToshibaVector ResearchWardsYamahaZenith320, 326321,322, 323, 324300, 305, 310, 311,324, 339, 345300, 311,345t 320, 323, 324, 326, 331,343323,324, 331323300,301,302, 323, 324, 331,333,345, 346321,322, 323, 324305, 309, 324, 333, 336, 340300, 301,302, 323, 324,331,333,345, 346305, 309, 324, 336, 340302, 304, 333320,326, 339, 352305, 309, 313301,302, 304, 309, 320, 326, 338,340, 347, 348300, 305, 306, 307, 308335, 336317335317328, 329, 330323, 324, 331306310, 311,339310, 311,339321,322, 323, 324324301,346311306, 309, 335, 336, 344305,310, 311,339306, 34418e