ICON MENU OPERATIONLOCKMODE[] LOCK SET - To prevent video games, VCR tapes andall channels and video modes from being viewed.Notes:Use the remote numeric keypad to enter a four-digitsecret code (Use a code that is easy to remember andrecord it in a safe place).If you do not remember your code, LOCK will unlock in12, 24, or 48 hours, depending on the current setup. Becautious when selecting ALWAYS. If ALWAYS isselected, and you forget your secret code, the TV mustbe serviced by a qualified technician to clear the LOCKsetup.If you select CHANGE CODE, and you change yourcode from the one used in the LOCK menu, your newcode becomes the controlling code.ProcedurePress VOL • to select.OFF - Turns Lock function off.GAME - Lock CH 3, 4 and Video inputs.CHANNEL - Lock up to four channels.ALL - Locks all channels and video inputs.Note:ACTIONPress twice.Press CH • to highlight HOW LONG?Press VOL • to select 12 Hours, 24 Hours, 48 Hours orALWAYS.If GAME, CHANNEL or ALL is selected, and ira blockedchannel or video input is selected, the messageLOCKED displays in the upper left corner of the TVscreen16e