Programming The Universal Remote ControlVCR Cable Converter BoxPreferred Procedure - Code KnownProgramming Universal Remote Using In-fra-Red Access Codes for VCRs• Determine brand of VCR.• Identify code(s) associated with the brand in theinfra-red code index for VCRs (located in thismanual).Procedure1. Place the Remote TV/CABLE switch into the TVposition (Left). TVICABLE2. Press and hold VCR POWER button down onUniversal Remote. VCRPOWERPreferred Procedure - Code KnownProgramming Universal Remote Using Infra-Red Access Codes for Cable TelevisionConverter Boxes• Determine brand of Cable Television Converter box.• Identify code(s) associated with the brand in theinfra-red code index for Cable Television Converterboxes (located in this manual).Procedure1. Place the Remote TV/CABLE switch into the CABLEposition (Right). wlCAB_2. Press and hold the CABLE POWER button down onUniversal Remote. CABLEPOWER3. Enter two digit code using keyboard "0 through 9"buttons. The Universal Remote is now programmed.NOTE: Some brands have multiple codes. Repeatprocedure using each code listed until VCRresponds correctly.Alternate Procedure - Code UnknownProgramming Universal Remote Using the"Sequence Method" for VCRs• Confirm VCR is plugged in and operating properly,then turn OFF.Procedure1. Place the Remote TV/CABLE switch into the TVposition (Left).2. Press and hold the VCR POWER button down onUniversal Remote.3. Press VOL RIGHT button repeatedly. Check for theVCR to turn ON after each press. Stop pressing thebutton when the VCR turns ON. The proper infra-redcode has now been accessed.NOTE:1. It may take several attempts before the correct codeis found.2. The VOL LEFT button can be used to return to acode that was accidently passed by.3. Some Remote Controls may have unique operatingfunctions for some buttons. For Example: ThePOWER button may only turn the VCR OFF asopposed to both ON and OFF. It will then benecessary to modify the procedure. Turn the VCRON and repeatedly press the VOL RIGHT buttonuntil the VCR turns OFF.3. Enter two digit code using keyboard "0 through 9" but-tons. Release CABLE power button. The UniversalRemote is now programmed. Use the RemoteCHANNEL UP/DOWN buttons for selecting CableConverter Box channels.NOTE: Some brands have multiple codes. Repeatprocedure using each code listed until CableTelevision Converter box responds correctly.Alternate Procedure - Code UnknownProgramming Universal Remote Using the"Sequence Method" for Cable TelevisionConverter Boxes• Confirm Cable Television Converter box is plugged inand operating properly, then turn OFF.Procedure1. Place the Remote W/CABLE switch into the CABLEposition (Right).2. Press and hold the CABLE POWER button clown onUniversal Remote.3. Press VOL RIGHT button repeatedly. Check for theCable Television Converter box to turn ON after eachpress. When the Cable Television Converter box turnsON, release Cable Power button. The proper infra-redcode has now been accessed.NOTE:• It may take several attempts before the correct code isfound.• The VOL LEFT button can be used to return to a codethat was accidently passed by.• Some Remote Controls may have unique operatingfunctions for some buttons. For Example: The POWERbutton may only turn the Cable Television Converter boxOFF as opposed to both ON and OFF. It will then benecessary to modify the procedure. Turn the CableTelevision Converter box ON and repeatedly press theVOL RIGHT button until the Cable Television Converterbox turns OFF.NOTE: When operating equipment (TV, VCR or Cable Converter box) with the Universal Remote Control, the TV/CABLEswitch should be set to the same position where the Access Code was first programmed for the equipment.Otherwise, leave the switch in the TV position.- 30 -