Picture Adjustments• Picture Norm• Color• Tint• Brightness• Picture• Sharpness• Video NR (Noise Reduction)• Auto ColorACTIONDisplays and Exits MenusColor, Tint, Brightness, Picture &Sharpness Adjustments1. Press the ACTION button to display the Main Menu.2. Press the CH DOWN button to select the PictureIcon.3. Press the ACTION button to display the PictureAdjustment Menu.PICTUREIPICTURE NORM NOCOLOR It01111111111.......TINT ...... I .......BRIGHTNESS IIIIIIIIIIIII-PICTURE liltitillllllltlllittitlllSHARPNESS IIIIIIIIIIIII-VIDEO NR OFFAUTO COLOR ONLocated On Remote ControlSelects or AdjustsFeatures WhenMenu is DisplayedHighlight DesiredWhenMenu is Displayed4. Press the CH UP or DOWN button to select thedesired Picture Adjustment (Color, Tint, Brightness,Picture or Sharpness).5. Press the VOL LEFT or RIGHT button to adjust yourselection. (The Seclected Picture adjustment will bedisplayed.)6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining PictureAdjustments.7. Press the ACTION button twice to exit the PictureAdjustment Menu.Picture Norm - This feature is used to resetColor, Tint, Brightnessr Picture and Sharpnessadjustments back to a factory preset level.1. Press the ACTION button to display the Main Menu.2. Press the CH UP/DOWN and VOL LEFT/RIGHTbuttons to highlight the Picture Icon.3. Press the ACTION button to display the PictureVideo Menu.Helpful Hints:COLOR - adjust for desired color intensity.TINT - adjust for natural flesh tones.BRIGHTNESS - adjust so dark areas of picture justbecome black for a crisp detail.PICTURE - adjust so the white areas of the picture areto your liking.SHARPNESS - adjust for best clarity of outline detail.-11 -- 1 PICTUREIPICTURE NORM NOCOLOR OIIIIIIIIIIII-TINT ...... t.......BRIGHTNESS titiittttilit-PICTURE IIIIllllllllllllllllllllllSHARPNESS tttltttlltttt .......VIDEO NR OFFAUTO COLOR ON4. Press the CH UP or DOWN button to highlight"PICTURE NORM".5. Press the VOL LEFT or RIGHT button to select"SET" to Normalize Color, Tint, Brightness, Pictureand Sharpness.6. Press the ACTION button twice to EXIT.