CQ-C7205U/C7105U 7 Before Reading These Instructions EnglishU.S.A.PANASONIC CONSUMER ELECTRONICS COMPANY,DIVISION OF MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF AMERICAOne Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094PANASONIC SALES COMPANY,DIVISION OF MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC OF PUERTO RICO, INC.Ave. 65 de infanteria, Km. 9.5, San Gabriel Industrial ParkCarolina, Puerto Rico 00985PANASONIC AUTO PRODUCTSLIMITED WARRANTYLIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGEIf your product does not work properly because of defects in materi-als and workmanship.Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company or Panasonic SalesCompany (collectively referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for thelength of the period indicated in the chart below, which starts withthe date of original purchase (“warranty period”), at its option either(a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts, or (b) replaceit with a new or refurbished product. The decision to repair orreplace will be made by the warrantor.During the “Labor” warranty period, there will be no charge forlabor. During the “Parts” warranty period, there will be no charge forparts. You must carry in or mail in your product prepaid during thewarranty period. If non rechargeable batteries are included, they arenot warranted. This warranty only applies to products purchased andserviced in the United States or Puerto Rico. This warranty isextended only to the original purchaser of a new product which wasnot sold “as is”. A purchase receipt or other proof of the originalpurchase date is required for warranty service.CARRY-IN OR MAIL-IN SERVICEFor Carry-In or Mail-In Service in the United States, call 1-800-211-PANA (7262) or visitPanasonic Web Site: http://www.panasonic.comFor assistance in Puerto Rico, call Panasonic Sales Company (787)-750-4300 or fax (787)-768-2910.LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONSThis warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials andworkmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cos-metic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damageswhich occurred during shipment, failures which are caused by prod-ucts not supplied by the warrantor, failures which result from acci-dent, misuse, abuse, neglect, bug infection, mishandling, misappli-cation, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustment, maladjust-ment of consumer control, improper maintenance, improper anten-na, inadequate signal reception or pickup, power line surge, improp-er voltage supply, lightning, modification, commercial use (such asuse in hotels, offices, restaurants, or other business uses) or rentaluse of the product, or service by anyone other than the technicianfrom Factory Servicenter or other authorized service centers, ordamage that is attributable to acts of God.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTEDUNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”. THE WARRANTOR ISNOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESRESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUTOF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. (As examples, this excludesdamages for lost time, cost of having someone remove or re-installan installed unit if applicable, travel to and from the sevicer, and lossof media, data or other memory contents. The items listed are notexclusive, but are for illustration only.) ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILI-TY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied war-ranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also haveother rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with thisproduct develops during or after the warranty period, you may con-tact your dealer or Servicenter. If the problem is not handled to yoursatisfaction, then write to warrantor’s Consumer Affairs Departmentat the addresses of the warrantor.PARTS AND SERVICE WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.Customer’s RecordModelNo.SerialNo.Dealer’sNo.CodeNo.Dealer’sAddressDate ofPurchaseCANADAPanasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga Ontario L4W 2T3PANASONIC PRODUCT LIMITED WARRANTYPanasonic Canada Inc. warrants this product to be free from defectsin materials and workmanship and agrees to remedy any such defectfor a period as stated below from the date of original purchase.CAR AUDIO PRODUCT – ONE (1) YEAR, PARTS AND LABOUR(The labour to install or remove the product is not warranted)ACCESSORIES - NINETY (90) DAYS, (IN EXCHANGE FOR DEFEC-TIVE ITEMS)LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONSThis warranty does not apply to products purchased outside Canadaor to any product which has been improperly installed, subjected tousage for which the product was not designed, misused or abused,damaged during shipping, or which has been altered or repaired inany way that affects the reliability or detracts from the performance,nor does it cover any product which is used commercially. Dry cellbatteries are also excluded from coverage under this warranty.This warranty is extended to the original end user purchaser only. Apurchase receipt or other proof of the original purchase date isrequired before warranty service is performed.THIS EXPRESS, LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PAR-TICULAR PURPOSE.IN NO EVENT WILL PANASONIC CANADA INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANYSPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.In certain instances, some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequential damages, or the exclusion ofimplied warranties, so the above limitations and exclusions may notbe applicable.Limited WarrantyCategories Parts LaborAudio Components (except items listedbelow) One (1) Year One (1) YearMXE Series Audio Components (exceptitems listed below)Two (2) Years Two (2) YearsSpeakersDefective Car Audio Speakers under war-ranty must be exchanged at the place ofpurchase. Contact your Dealer for details.One (1) Year Not ApplicableAccessories (in exchange for defectiveitems)Ninety (90) Days Not Applicable