This search covers POIs within a radius of 20 miles (32 km*) from the currentposition, or from the center of the cursor.* This is the range when “km” is set as the distance setting( Operating Instructions).1 Select [Map view] on thecurrent position screen. The Change map view screenis displayed.2 Select [Display POI icons]. The Display POI Icons screenis displayed.3 Select the POI icons tosearch for, then select [ListNearest POIs]. The names of POIs and theirdistance from the currentposition are displayed on touchkeys.4 Select a POI from the list. The map is displayed. Select [Sort by] to sort the list.[Distance]:The list is sorted in order ofproximity.[Category]:The list is sorted by category.[Name]:The list is sorted in alphabeticalorder. Select [On route] during routeguidance to search for POIsalong the guidance route.( page 8)5 Select [Enter ].6 Select [Enter]. The All route screen isdisplayed after the search iscomplete.7 Select [Start]. Route guidance starts.Note: This function cannot be used if POIicons are not displayed. The displayed distance is the straightdistance from the vehicle position(if a nearby POI was searched forfrom the current position screen), orthe straight distance from “ ” (ifa nearby POI was searched for fromthe map screen). Up to 200 POIs can be searched for,in order of proximity. If multiple telephone numbers areregistered under the same name,each is listed.Search for nearby POI iconsPOI icons for frequently used POIs (Gas stations, restaurants, etc.) can be displayed on the map. Detailed information canalso be shown for the displayed POI icons.1 Select [Map view] on thecurrent position screen. The Change map view screenis displayed.2 Select [Display POI icons]. The Display POI Icons screenis displayed.3 Select POI icons from the listand select [OK]. Selected POI icons aredisplayed on the map. Up to 5 icons can be selected.Selected POI icons aredisplayed at the upper left. Selected POI icons can becancelled by selecting themagain. Select [Delete] to cancel allselected POI icons.To select other POI icons, select[Other POIs] Go to step 44 Select a main category. Select [List all categories] todisplay the sub-categorieswithin all main categories.5 Select POI icons displayedfrom the list and select [OK]. Selected POI icons aredisplayed on the map. Up to 5 icons can be selected. To choose another category,select [More], then repeat fromstep 4.Display POI iconsTo see information on POIicons1 Put the cursor on POI icons,which will cause the cursorto fl ash. The POI name is displayed.2 Select [Info.]. POI information is displayed.Note: POI name display is automaticallyremoved after it has been displayedfor approximately 6 seconds. If multiple POIs exist for the samebuilding, the POI icons may overlapon the map. In that case, the POInames are displayed sequentially astheir POI icons are selected. Departments and sections within thesame POI may, in some cases, bedisplayed as individual POI icons.EnglishEnglish12 131312