30NOTEHow to UseFingerprint ScannerTo avoid possible damage to the fingerprint scanner by static electric-ity or improper finger placement, read the following guidelines.1 Static Electricity Discharge:Before a scan is taken, have the person whose fingerprint is to betaken touch the closed shutter with a finger to discharge static elec-tricity.2 When opening the shutter:Slide the shutter open. Do not pull the shutter to open it, as the fin-gernail may scratch the scanner.3 Optimum finger scanning position:Place the whorls of the fingerprint on the center of the scanner toscan the characteristic part of the finger.(Since the best position for a fingerprint depends on individuals,adjust the finger position as needed.)4 When closing the shutter:Slide the shutter back. Do not push the shutter to close it, as thefingernail may scratch the scanner.Keep the shutter closed at all times except when in use. Thiswill prevent the scanner from any impact or moisture.Touch the shutter and the scanner with the finger only, so as notto damage them. Do not touch them with a ballpoint pen, tools,etc.Wipe the finger to be scanned with a cloth.Even if you feel that the fingerprint scanner is warm after theshutter has been closed for a long time, there is no problem.To maintain optimal performance, clean the scanner surface periodi-cally.Remove dirt and grease from the scanner surface with rubbing al-cohol and cotton, and dry with a clean tissue.Do not any abrasive liquids or cloths on the scanner surface.Care of the Sensor