66[Enter Password] is dis-played[Advanced] menu can notbe registeredAll or some items in [Se-curity] menu can not beregisteredF9 does not work[Hard Disk Lock] is notdisplayedSetup UtilityEnter the User Password or Supervisor Password. If you have forgotten it, contactPanasonic Technical Support.Restart the Setup Utility with the Supervisor Password.Restart the Setup Utility with the Supervisor Password.Restart the Setup Utility with the Supervisor Password.The internal battery maintaining the clock may need to be replaced. Contact PanasonicTechnical Support.Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot the computer.After cutting the power by pressing the power switch for more than four seconds,slide the power switch to power on and open the application again.If the program no longer works normally, go to [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel]- [Add/Remove Programs] to delete the program. Then try installing the programonce again.Computer hangsApplication SoftwareTry changing the mute by pressing Fn + F4 .Has the Setup Utility been used to set [Speaker] to [Disable]? ( page 52)Under the condition the sound function of Windows is not working, or is dis-played, but the volume does not change.The sound is not heardThe volume can not bechanged by pressingFn + F5 or Fn + F6SoundDealing with Problems (Advanced)Character InputOnly capital letters arebeing inputHow to input Europeancharacters (ß, à, ç),symbols or Euro Cur-rency Symbol is unclearWhen NumLock is acti-vated, the password can-not be input if a key forthe password is one ofthe keys for the ten-keyfunctionIf CapsLock is on, the Caps Lock function is ON. To switch it OFF, pressCaps Lock .Windows NTSelect [Start] - [Programs] - [Accessories] - [Character Map]. The Character Map willbe displayed. Point to the desired font name and select it.Windows 2000Select [Start] - [Programs] - [Accessories] - [System Tools] - [Character Map]. TheCharacter Map will be displayed. Point to the desired font name and select it.Turn NumLock OFF.Unusual SoundThe computer producesa strange soundIf the computer enters the condition the power of the display is OFF (for energyconservation purposes) or the LCD is closed while the computer is making a sound,the computer may produce a strange sound, but this does not indicate a problem.If the computer has not been used for a long period of time, it may produce anunusual sound at start up. The sound may continue for a short period of time, butif the computer starts up in a normal manner, then the problem is not serious. If,however, the computer fails to start up, contact Panasonic Technical Support.