Troubleshooting3TroubleshootingThe Panasonic Network Camera support website "" includes various technical information in addition to thecontents in this troubleshooting section. Access the website if this troubleshootingdoes not solve your problem.BB-HCM381 Indicator Display TroubleshootingProblem Cause and RemedyThe indicatorlights or blinksorange.• The Ethernet cable is not connected properly.→ Connect the Ethernet cable properly.• The PC, The Ethernet hub or router is not working.→ Confirm that PC, Ethernet hub and router are working.• The Ethernet cable is partly disconnected.→ Change it to another Ethernet cable.The indicatorcontinuesblinking orange.• The camera is turned off when updating firmware.→ If you access the camera using a web browser, the UpdateFirmware page will be displayed. Update the firmwarefollowing the procedure (see page 164 of the OperatingInstructions on the CD-ROM). If you fail to update thefirmware, see page 26.The indicatorcontinuesblinking orange(2-secondinterval).• The router on your network is turned off.→ Turn the router on, and wait until the line is connected.• An error has occurred in UPnP™ port forwarding.→ Set up the camera again in [Automatic Setup] using theSetup Program following the instructions in GettingStarted.