Troubleshooting10The cameracannot beaccessed on theLAN.• The connected router does not have a loopback feature.→ Access the camera with local network IP address.• The wrong IP address class is assigned to the camera.→ If you access the camera on the LAN, the PC IP addressand the camera IP address must be set in the same class.Set the camera IP address same as the class of the PC IPaddress (see page 185 of the Operating Instructions on theCD-ROM).• The web browser is accessing a proxy server.→ Set the web browser to access the Internet directly (seepage 192 of the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM).• The camera was accessed on the same LAN by entering theregistered URL (or the router's global IP address) when usinga DynamicDNS service.→ To access a camera on the same LAN, use the address forits local network address.The camera canbe accessed onthe LAN, butcannot beaccessed fromthe Internet.• The default gateway address may be wrong.→ Set the correct default gateway address (see page 54 orpage 59 of the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM).• UPnP™ is disabled on the router.→ Enable UPnP™ on the router following the router manual.• Port forwarding is not enabled on the router (see page 75 ofthe Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM).→ Enable port forwarding following the router manual.• Firewalls such as packet filtering on the router are blockingcamera access.→ Set the router to allow access to the camera following therouter manual.• You are accessing the camera using a local IP address.→ Access the camera with the global IP address of the routerand port number of the camera.Problem Cause and Remedy