31zz INCOM/MIC ScreenThis menu is used for the unit’s intercom settingsConfigure the camera’s intercom setting on the cameraindicates the factory default settingItem Settingvalue Remarks4W/RTSIN LEVEL–40 0dB│0dB│20 0dBSet the input level for the intercom(4-WIRE and RTS) signal(0 5dB increments)4W/RTSOUT LEVEL–40 0dB│0dB│20 0dBSet the output level for the intercom(4-WIRE and RTS) signal(0 5dB increments)RTS CANCEL –40 0dB│31 5dBSet the noise canceling level for theengineering intercom (RTS system)(0 5dB increments)GAIN PGM 0dB20dBSet the gain for the PGM soundMIC LEVEL MIC1 –40 0dB│0dB│20 0dBFinely adjust the level of output from theMIC OUT 1 connector(0 5dB increments)MIC LEVEL MIC2 –40 0dB│0dB│20 0dBFinely adjust the level of output from theMIC OUT 2 connector(0 5dB increments)CM/DM CMDMUse this to select the type of intercommicrophone (carbon microphone ordynamic microphone) to be connectedto the unitCM: Carbon microphoneDM: Dynamic microphoneCCU INCOM MIC –40 0dB│0dB│12 0dBUse this to set the level of the unit’sintercom microphones for regular use(0 5dB increments)CCU SIDE TONE –40 0dB│–6dB│0 0dBUse this to set the side tone level of theunit’s intercom for regular use(0 5dB increments)Items when the MAINTENANCE menu isselectedDisplay the START UP screenDisplay the ANALOG GAIN screenDisplay the ND NAME screenDisplay the NETWORK screenDisplay the VERSION screenDisplay the PM VIEW SETTING screenDisplay the PM OPERATION STATUS screenDisplay the SYSTEM screenWeb settings (Continued)