60Chapter 4 Adjustments and settings for recording (continued)Switch the signals output from the MON OUT connector byusing MONI OUT MODE item on the menu (screen on the SYSTEM SETTING page).4-8-2 Settings of signals output from MONOUT connectorSet the video signals output from the MON OUT connectorby using the MONI OUT item on the menu (screen on the SYSTEM SETTING page).The HD-Y signals can be used for applying GEN LOCK toother devices. It is impossible to superimpose markers andcharacters on the HD-Y signals.Even when the tape is replayed, images from the camera areoutput.Set to superimpose characters to the HD SDI signals outputfrom the MON OUT connector in the MONI OUT CHARAitem of the menu (SETTING page).Set the marker and user boxes to superimpose on the outputsignals from the MON OUT connector by using therespective items on the screen(SYSTEM SETTING page) of the menu.Item Variablerange RemarksMONI OUT HD-SDIHD-YSet video signals output from the MON OUTconnector.HD-SDI: For outputting the HD SDI signalsHD-Y: For outputting the analog HD-YsignalsItem Variablerange RemarksMONI OUT MODE CAMVTRSwitch the signals output from the MONOUT connector.CAM: The camera images are output at alltimes.VTR: In the recording or other EE mode,camera images are output from theconnector; in playback mode, theVTR’s playback signals are output.Item Variablerange RemarksMONI OUT CHARA ONOFFSuperimpose characters on the HD SDIoutput signals from the MON OUTconnector.ON: To superimposeOFF: Not to superimposeThis does not link with the VIDEO OUTCHARACTER switch.USER BOX WIDTH 1:13:100For setting the horizontal width of the userbox.USER BOXHEIGHT1:13:100For setting the vertical height of the userbox.USER BOX H POS –50:+00:+50For setting the horizontal position of the userbox center.USER BOX V POS –50:+00:+50For setting the vertical position of the userbox center.Item Variablerange RemarksMONI OUT CENTRMARKOFF1234For setting the center marker to besuperimposed on the HD SDI output signalsof the MON OUT connector.OFF: The center marker is not displayed.1: + (large)2: Center blank (large)3: + (small)4: Center blank (small)MONI OUTSAFETY MARKOFF12For setting the type of the safety markerframe to be superimposed on the HD SDIoutput signals of the MON OUT connector.OFF: The safety marker frame is notdisplayed.1: Box2: Corner framesMONI OUT FRMMARKONOFFFor superimposing the frame marker on theHD SDI output signals from the MON OUTconnector.ON: To superimposeOFF: Not to superimposeMONI OUT USERBOXONOFFFor superimposing the user box on the HDSDI output signals from the MON OUTconnector.ON: To superimposeOFF: Not to superimposeSAFETY AREA 80%:90%:100%For setting the size of the safety marker.It is possible to set the size by units of 1%with a fixed ratio between of width andheight.FRM SIG 4:313:914:9VISTAFor setting the frame marker.The VISTA setting is 16:8.65.O The user box can be displayed in any position as a box-type cursor.