E-59Dubbing (continued)You can perform dubbing with a high image quality by means of digital signals by using a DV (IEEE1394)cable to connect this unit to a digital video unit equipped with a DV connector (IEEE1394).Read the connected digital video unit’s instruction manual carefully.1 Connect the digital video equipment to thisunit. (Page 53)2 Set the player unit and recorder unit to the VCRmode.• Press the CAMERA/VCR button for this unit.3 Start playing back in the player.If you are using this unit, move the operationlever [q].4 Start recording in the recorder.• If you are using this unit, press the two VCRREC buttons at the same time. On the remotecontrol unit, press the PLAY button whileholding down the REC button.• If you press these two buttons during pause,the unit will go to shooting standby mode.Each time you press the OPERATION lever[h], the unit switches between shooting andthe shooting standby mode.5 Stop recording in the recorder.• If you are using this unit, move the operationlever [g].6 Stop playback on the other unit.• If you are using this unit, move the operationlever [g].Digital input/outputCAMERAVCRCOUNTER RESET TITLESTILL ADV PAUSE STILL ADVINDEX—VOL +STOP INDEXMULTI/P-IN-P REC A.DUBPLAY/REW FF/ZOOMVCR REC buttonCamera or remote control• When dubbing through digital input, audio isrecorded in the same mode as the playbacksource irrespective of the settings on therecording unit.• If you have set 1394TC REGEN or 1394UBREGEN to on in the recording unit’s menus youcan copy the time code and user information fromthe playback source (Page 73). Do not startrecording until you can see the images on therecording unit’s screen. Time code and userinformation may not be correctly recorded if youstart recording before the images are received.