The AG-CX350 Book: MENU operation 21[CAMERA] MENU3-1-1. SW MODEMenu item Description Value (Factory default underlined)LOW GAIN Set GAIN value when the gainselector is -3dB -- 0dB -- +18dBMID GAIN Set GAIN value when the gainM -3dB -- 6dB -- +18dBHIGH GAIN Set GAIN value when the gainH -3dB -- 12dB -- +18dBSUPERGAINSet GAIN value in the SUPERGAIN mode, which is availableas one of the user assignablefunctions.24dB, 30dB, 36dB, ALL* The gain value can be chosen from anyof the above or can be toggled througheach by selecting ALL .O.I.S Turn ON/OFF optical imagestabilizer function. ON, OFF(USER button assignable)HYBRIDO.I.STurn ON/OFF electrical imagestabilizer which works inaddition to optical one i.e. OISON, OFFO.I.S MODE OIS characteristiccustomization.NORMAL:PAN/TILT: suitable when camera is used inhand held modeSTABLE: suitable when camera mount isstable i.e. on tripod etc.ATWAssign Auto Tracking White(ATW) to any position ofWHITE BAL selector.Ach, Bch, PRE, OFFATWSPEEDSet response and adjustmentspeed of ATW function. FAST, NORMAL, SLOWATWTARGET RFine-tune the ATW adjustmentresult (to make it more/lessReddish).-10 -- 0 10ATWTARGET BFine-tune the ATW adjustmentresult (to make it more/lessBlueish).-10 -- 0 10W.BALPRESETSet white balance mode whenWHITE BAL selector is set toPRST.3200K, 5600K, VARH ZOOMSPEEDIncrease/decrease servicezoom speed with a zoom leveron the carrying handle.1 -- 50 99i.ZOOMActivate electronic imagezoom feature, which canextend zoom ratio whilemaintaining a image quality.ON, OFFMF ASSISTFocus mode is momentarilyafter manual focusing.ON, OFFMACRO Turn ON/OFF macro mode. ON, OFF(USER button assignable)