5FeaturesMulti-picture display and recordThe memory card recorder allows to six cameras to beconnected at a time. Pictures captured by these cameras aredisplayed on a Main and/or Sub windows and are recorded.Main window: A picture of a camera selected fromamong CAMERA 1, , and Sub window: A picture selected from among CAMERA1, , and , and pictures from CAMERA 4, 5, and 6 inQUAD or PANORAMA pattern.Example: connection of six camerasFront(CAMERA 1) LPR(CAMERA 3)R(CAMERA 5)L(CAMERA 4)Back(CAMERA 6)R-Seat(CAMERA 2)Main windowSub window(four pictures, QUAD)Selected from among CAMERA 1, , and RecordmodeD1 HI(High quality mode)D1 STD(Standard quality mode)CIF(Low quality mode)D1 10(10 frames/second)Resolution 70 x 480 70 x 480 5 x 40 70 x 480Frame rate[fps] 0 1 0 1 0 1 10 1Mainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ SubwindowMainwindowonly/SubwindowonlyMainwindow+ Subwindow32 GB1 approx.h approx.16h approx.174h approx. 87h approx.48h approx.4h approx.h approx.116 h approx. 96 h approx.48 h approx.648 h approx.4 h approx.64 h approx.h approx.416 h approx.08 h4 approx.18 h approx.64 h approx.696 h approx.48 h approx.19h approx. 96 h approx. 98 h approx.464 h approx.84 h approx.19h approx.59h approx.196 h approx.56 h approx.18 h approx.1664 h approx. 8hSDHCMemoryCardcapacityNumber tobe usedMain windowSub window(four pictures, PANORAMA)Selected from among CAMERA , and (Upper and lower parts of a picture is cut by 1/6)Pictures from three cameras arereduced to 1/9.Main window Sub window (one picture)Selected from among CAMERA, and Camera setupRecord time in each record mode