EC Series EN-11Sets the level in which the zero pointis stable; the higher the setting, themore stable.The following settings are available:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (level)5.5 Zero Return RangeWeight g0.. Zero Return RangePiece Weight g/pct.rAtECount pcs------.Internal Count(disregard)Default SettingSets the activation mode of thebacklight.The following settings are available:0 = Auto-on with items greater than9d placed on the pan or anykey is pressed; turns off after 5seconds of inactivity.1 = Manual; press the decimal pointkey [.] to switch the backlighton or off.5.6 BacklightWeight g0.. BacklightPiece Weight g/pcbLCount pcs------.Internal Count(disregard)Default SettingSets the active weighing unit.The following settings are available:0 = Grams (g), 1 = Pounds (lb)5.7 Unit SelectionWeight g0.. Weighing UnitPiece Weight g/pcUnitCount pcs------.Internal Count(disregard)Default SettingSets the APW re-computing mode.Optimizes piece weight accuracy byautomatically re-computing theexisting APW as further pieces (lessthan the original quantity on the pan)are added (a beep will sound in thisevent).The following settings are available:0 = Off, 1 = On5.8 APW Re-computingWeight g0.. APW Re-averagingPiece Weight g/pcAVCount pcs------.Internal Count(disregard)Default Setting3 EC-textEN.pmd 8/9/2005, 1:41 PM11