Doc. No. 157 Issue 1.0 Draft Apollo Operations Manual20 March 2019 Page 6 of 272. Warranty information e.g. copy of the invoice or applicabledocumentation.3. Purchase Number for cover of repair of equipment not underwarranty.4. Customer information, shipping and bill to details.2. Description2.1 GeneralThe Apollo Tec 3 Style vaporiser is designed for “out of circuit” use in freshgas supply of a continuous flow techniques of inhalation anaesthesia. Eachvaporiser is agent specific and is clearly labelled with the anaesthetic agentthat it is designed for.The Apollo Tec 3 Style vaporiser is temperature, flow and pressurecompensated so that its output remains relatively constant despite coolingdue to the vaporisation and variations in inlet flow.The Apollo Tec 3 Style vaporiser provides accurate concentrations ofanaesthesia gases in the fresh gas supply; the concentration is specifiedusing the dial on vaporiser. The fresh gas supply must be between 0.5 and10LPM.The Apollo Plug on Block Tec 3 Style vaporiser is designed to be used on aSelectatec Compatibility Block only.Warning: If the vaporiser has been inverted, connect to a gasscavenging system, set the dial to the top output and purgethe system with the carrier gas at 5LPM for 5 minutes.Warning: improper use may result in patient injury.Caution: Ensure the vaporiser is kept upright at all times.Caution: Turn the vaporiser to the OFF position when not inuse.