Doc. No. 157 Issue 1.0 Draft Apollo Operations Manual20 March 2019 Page 17 of 27Caution: The vaporiser must only be filled using the correctagent specific adaptor, the adaptor will not fit the filler socket ifincorrect adaptor is used.4. Ensure that the dial control OPEN for filling and draining. Turn thetop retaining screw on the filler unit slowly counter clockwise as thevaporiser may be pressurised and withdraw the dummy filler plug.5. Check that the agent to be used is the same as that specified onthe front of the vaporiser. Hold the bottle upright below the fillersocket and bend the adapter so that its end is horizontal and thetwo holes in the adaptor are facing downwards. Insert the adaptorinto the filler socket.6. After insertion, turn the top retaining screw clockwise to tighten itand seal the bottle adaptor in the filler socket.7. Raise the bottle above the level of the filler socket, avoiding kinkingthe adaptor tube. A steady stream of bubbles should emerge fromthe adaptor inner tube within two seconds. If this does not occur,remove the bottle adaptor from the vaporiser. Then remove theadaptor from the bottle. Carefully shake the adaptor two or threetimes to clear the tube, then repeat instructions from stage 1.8. When the vaporiser is filled to the maximum level mark in theagent level indicator, lower the bottle below the level of the fillersocket and wait for 5 seconds to allow any agent in the adaptor todrain back into the bottle. Unscrew the top retaining screw andremove the adaptor from the filler. If there is any excess liquid agentallow this to escape from the filler socket completely, insert and fullytighten the dummy filler plug to prevent gas from escaping throughthe filler.9. The Tec 3 Style vaporiser is now ready for use.Caution: If the vaporiser was dry before filling, the level willdecrease slightly as the wick absorbs the agent.