– 2 –Addendum P/N GM1709 10/15/00Software version 2.6 enhancementsThis section describes several software enhancements made inupgrading the 961/962 software version 2.5 to software version2.6.Changing the chart screen’s orientationYou can now change the display of charts on the 961/962&+$57 screen to any of the following viewing angles, regardlessof their original paper orientation:• CHART-up (This is the orientation of the original paperchart. Previous software versions always used a Chart-uporientation.)• COURSE-up (This is the orientation of your true courseduring the last few seconds, as determined by the 961/962’sGPS receiver.)• LEG-up (This is the orientation of your desired track whennavigating, on a leg-by-leg basis, which provides a morestable display than Course-up.)• NORTH-up (This usually is the same as Chart-up, but rotatesany charts that were originally skewed to fit a particularcoastline or harbor, so that true north is up on the CHARTscreen.)Once you set the desired chart orientation, the 961/962 automat-ically adjusts the orientation angle as needed, according to thecurrently viewed chart, or the course, or the trip leg. However,whenever you’ve displayed the cursor on the CHART screen, inorder to retain precise positioning with the &856253$', the961/962 temporarily inhibits any of these automatic changes inthe orientation angle. This does not mean that the chart-orienta-tion feature isn’t working. To re-enable any changes inorientation, simply press the 9(66(/ key to remove the cursorfrom the CHART screen. When you rotate a chart by changing its orientation, all of theoriginal paper-chart information, such as labels of geographicfeatures and depth readings, are rotated along with the chart.Also rotated with the chart are routes, tracks, the trip, and