SECTION THREE - InterfacingPage 54 951/952 INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision Bdata output to be received by the unit. Port 1 or Port 2 of the unit, or A orB of the 800, may be used. Wire colors refer to the unit’s interface cable.To configure the Northstar 800 for correct output format, execute COM-MAND 83 for output port A, or COMMAND 84 for output port B. Press thelower SELECT button until PRINTER 3 appears in the lower display, andpress ENT. Then enter the following sequence to program the outputparameters:* Only used if you want the waypoint to which you’re navigating to beautomatically transferred to the unit’s waypoint database.For further details, you may want to refer to the Northstar 800/800X Ref-erence Manual (Part Number GM260).Table 8: Connection to Northstar 800 port A800 OUTPUT ÝÝÝÝ CONNECT TO EITHER ÞÞÞÞPort A 951/952 Port 1 951/952 Port 2Pin 12 brown (#3) white with brown stripe (#6)Pin N blue (#1) brown with white stripe (#2)Table 9: Connection to Northstar 800 port B800 OUTPUT ÝÝÝÝ CONNECT TO EITHER ÞÞÞÞPort B 951/952 Port 1 951/952 Port 2Pin 7 brown (#3) white with brown stripe (#6)Pin H blue (#1) brown with white stripe (#2)Table 10: Northstar 800 series output port setupAt this prompt Press To output this data to the 951/952SET UP 149 (ENT) 0183 output format (8 bits, no parity, 4800 baud)INTERVAL 1 (ENT) 1 second output rateITEM 1 13 (ENT) include GTD sentence in output (Loran-C TDs)ITEM 2 26 (ENT) waypoint location*ITEM 3 31 (ENT) include SRS sentence in output (status of received signals)ITEM 4 40 (ENT) include RMA sentence in outputITEM 5 0 (ENT) end of sequenceDownloaded from manuals search engine