SECTION TWO - Installing the unit951/952 INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision B Page 31'*36,1)2 menu key to view the DGPS STATUS screen (as shown atright below).Turning the unit off To shut off the unit, press and hold the 3:5 key for approximately fourseconds until the screen goes dark.Testing and troubleshooting the 951/952Installation-testchecklistTo test the system after installation, first apply power to the unit and con-firm power is on with no errors. Next, check for the presence of GPS andDGPS signals. Review the chart-plotter function: With the chart cartridgeinserted, confirm that the chart map is displayed.TroubleshootingcommoninstallationproblemsTypical problems you may encounter either during or after the installa-tion process are outlined in the following tables: Table 2, “Troubleshoot-ing the installation,” on page 31 below, and Table 3, “Troubleshooting theGPS/DGPS antenna installation,” on page 35.Table 2: Troubleshooting the installationProblem Area Symptom Possible Solutions/ReasonsPOWER Pressing the3:5 key doesn’t start theunit.• Check the fuse and the power to theunit.DISPLAY The unit powers up, beeps, and the back-light can be operated up and down, butthere isn’t any video.• If a 951, try adjusting the contrast bypressing the $552: key. If a 952,the display may have failed (the 952’s$552: key adjusts only bright-ness, not contrast). Call your North-star dealer or the Northstar ServiceDepartment.Downloaded from manuals search engine