SECTION THREE - InterfacingPage 60 951/952 INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision BOrdering 951/952 software updatesPeriodically, Northstar posts 951/952 software-update addenda on itswebsite ( under the “Manuals” link.For dealers Once Northstar has posted an addendum on its website, dealers whowould like the corresponding software update can call the Northstar SalesDepartment to order the particular update, which is shipped with com-plete installation instructions. When you call, be sure to have the currentsoftware version number ready. To access this information about the unit,press the 67$5 key until you display the USER CUSTOMIZATION screen,then press the 6(59,&(,1)250$7,21 menu key to display the SERVICEINFORMATION screen: The software version is displayed in the MAINBOARD SOFT VER: field.For end users End users should contact their respective dealer for these updates. North-star doesn’t recommend that end users install software updates because ifan update is accidentally installed improperly, it may result in the loss ofdata and the incorrect functioning of the unit, and this type of repair isn’tauthorized under the Northstar warranty.