SECTION TWO - Installing the unit951/952 INSTALLATION MANUAL Revision B Page 35Troubleshootingcommon GPS/DGPSantenna installationproblemsWhenever possible, the best and most efficient way to troubleshoot is touse a known-good set of cables, a splitter for combo antennas (whenapplicable), and working antennas as spares for swapping.In Table 3, “Troubleshooting the GPS/DGPS antenna installation,” onpage 35, the Northstar AN150 refers to the 12-dB GPS antenna; theNorthstar 8410 coupler with whip antenna refers to the beacon receiverwhip-type (E-field) antenna; and the Northstar AN205-P refers to thecombination (combo) GPS/DGPS loop antenna with splitter.Table 3: Troubleshooting the GPS/DGPS antenna installationAntenna Symptom Possible Solutions/ReasonsGPS ANTENNA Poor or no GPS signal while using theAN150 antenna.If 5.5 VDC low or missing with load con-nected:If 5.5 VDC is missing with load discon-nected:If 5.5 VDC is present:• Turn off any onboard transmittingdevices.• Check for 5.5 VDC at antenna withand without antenna load connected. a• Check for 5.5 VDC at 951/952 BNCconnector.• It indicates a bad connector installa-tion, bad GPS board, or bad AN150antenna.• It indicates a bad GPS board.• It indicates a bad AN150. Replace theAN150.DGPS ANTENNA No GPS or DGPS • Bad splitter configuration. b• Splitter cables may be reversed forGPS and DGPS output.Poor or no GPS signal while using theAN205-P antenna with splitter:If 7.75 VDC is low or missing with load con-nected:If 7.75 VDC is low or missing with load dis-connected:If 7.75 VDC is present at processor UHFconnector but not at antenna:• Check installation for correct cabling.• Check for 7.75 VDC at antenna withand without antenna load (cables andsplitter) connected. c (Use “T” connec-tors to measure VDC under load.)• Check for 7.75 VDC at 951/952 UHF/DGPS connector.• It indicates a bad connector installa-tion, bad differential 8500-A board,bad AN2xx. The load is too great orthe 8500-A board is defective.• It indicates a bad 8500-A board, orother internal fault.• It indicates bad cabling, bad connec-tors, or a bad splitter.